
Project documentation for lapis.


Lapis is a command line tool that automates common tasks of a pelican blog. As of the latest release it has the following features:

  • Indexes your existing pelican blog to make it searchable
  • Searches your pelican blog by tag, category, title, status and more
  • Edit, Locate and Delete pelican content directly from search queries
  • Create pre-filled pelican content (articles and pages) from the command line
  • List content attributes used on blog like tags, categories, authors, etc


You can always get the latest, most stable version of lapis from pip. Lapis is currently in alpha release status so you must explicitly opt into pre-release version.

pip install --pre lapis

Bug Reports

If anything doesn't work the way it should, please file a bug report at the github issues page.


Lapis is in the public domain and unencumbered by copyright.